Dehumidifier Model D165 (D-165HG GST)
The last dehumidifier you'll ever need! Great for commercial and residential use-Oasis dehumidifiers are the most durable dehumidifiers on the market. These rugged, low temperature units plug into standard electrical outlets and move easily on concealed rollers. All models have sealed refrigeration systems with quiet-running fans, they're built to last a life-time.
Oasis Dehumidifier, Model D165—Technology at work since 1949 The rugged, durable Oasis dehumidifier removes 7.2 Gallons at 86° F, 80% Relative Humidity in a 24 hour period. Its sealed refrigeration system is frost-free, ensuring continuous, safe and hands-free operation. The unit plugs into standard electrical outlets, and provides simple mobility through concealed caster wheels.
Better than most, this unit is built to last longer, perform better and provide consistent and dependable service. Unlike other brands, this unit proudly carries a limited 5 year warranty.
Use them to prevent moisture damage in basements, laundry rooms, and any other enclosed areas of your home. Replaces Oasis dehumidifier models DC-45, DC-75, 3800HD, and OD-3800HG.
Serving all of: Alabama, Montgomery, Arizona, Phoenix, Arkansas, Little Rock, California, Sacramento, Colorado, Denver, Connecticut, Hartford, Delaware, Dover, Florida, Tallahassee, Georgia, Atlanta, Hawaii, Idaho, Boise, Illinois, Springfield, Indiana, Indianapolis, Iowa, Des Moines, Kansas, Kentucky, Frankfort, Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Maine, Augusta, Maryland, Annapolis, Massachusetts, Boston, Michigan, Lansing, Minnesota, St. Paul, Mississippi, Jackson, Missouri, Jefferson City, Montana, Helena, Nebraska, Lincoln, Nevada, Carson City, New Hampshire, Concord, New Jersey, Trenton, New Mexico, Santa Fe, New York, Albany, North Carolina, Raleigh, North Dakota, Bismarck, Ohio, Columbus, Oklahoma, Oregon, Salem, Pennsylvania , Rhode Island, Providence, South Carolina, Columbia, South Dakota, Pierre, Tennessee, Nashville, Texas, Austin, Utah, Salt Lake City, Vermont, Montpelier, Virginia, Richmond, Washington, Olympia, West Virginia, Charleston, Wisconsin, Madison, Wyoming, Cheyenne..
Oasis Dehumidifier, Model D165—Technology at work since 1949 The rugged, durable Oasis dehumidifier removes 7.2 Gallons at 86° F, 80% Relative Humidity in a 24 hour period. Its sealed refrigeration system is frost-free, ensuring continuous, safe and hands-free operation. The unit plugs into standard electrical outlets, and provides simple mobility through concealed caster wheels.
Better than most, this unit is built to last longer, perform better and provide consistent and dependable service. Unlike other brands, this unit proudly carries a limited 5 year warranty.
Use them to prevent moisture damage in basements, laundry rooms, and any other enclosed areas of your home. Replaces Oasis dehumidifier models DC-45, DC-75, 3800HD, and OD-3800HG.
Serving all of: Alabama, Montgomery, Arizona, Phoenix, Arkansas, Little Rock, California, Sacramento, Colorado, Denver, Connecticut, Hartford, Delaware, Dover, Florida, Tallahassee, Georgia, Atlanta, Hawaii, Idaho, Boise, Illinois, Springfield, Indiana, Indianapolis, Iowa, Des Moines, Kansas, Kentucky, Frankfort, Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Maine, Augusta, Maryland, Annapolis, Massachusetts, Boston, Michigan, Lansing, Minnesota, St. Paul, Mississippi, Jackson, Missouri, Jefferson City, Montana, Helena, Nebraska, Lincoln, Nevada, Carson City, New Hampshire, Concord, New Jersey, Trenton, New Mexico, Santa Fe, New York, Albany, North Carolina, Raleigh, North Dakota, Bismarck, Ohio, Columbus, Oklahoma, Oregon, Salem, Pennsylvania , Rhode Island, Providence, South Carolina, Columbia, South Dakota, Pierre, Tennessee, Nashville, Texas, Austin, Utah, Salt Lake City, Vermont, Montpelier, Virginia, Richmond, Washington, Olympia, West Virginia, Charleston, Wisconsin, Madison, Wyoming, Cheyenne..